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Student Profile

To enable us to better understand your child's unique strengths and challenges, we request you to fill in the following information as completely as possible

Name of the Child



1. Activities your child enjoys.

2. Favourite toys / Edible items.

3. Activities/Objects your child 

     does not like.

4. Language your child is most        comfortable in.

5. Does your child require any special care in any area? (E.g. Diet , Physical, Emotional, Development                History etc.)

6. Any medication being taken

7. Any allergies

The following to be filled by those applying under Special Needs Category

a) Diagnosis if any

Upload Diagnosis reports


Upload Assessment reports

c) Therapies or Special Intervention received

Upload Reports

d) Any co-existing medical concerns.


Parent Undertaking

  1. We understand that St. Mary's School is an inclusive school and we will fully co-operate with and support this philosophy.

  2. We understand that the school lays emphasis on the all-round growth of the child, giving due emphasis to the different stages of development, and employs a judicious blend of different activities to help the child build self-awareness and confidence through a stress free development of language, cognitive, physical and emotional skills and increased sensitivity  and understanding of their world. We cooperate in every way to ensure full participation of our child in all activities. Co-Curricular, cultural, art and physical activities both indoor and outdoor including excursions to places  of interest that are carried out throughout the year.

  3. We have noted that children are admitted only from those areas where school transport is available and that no child is permitted to commute by vans or a private vehicle.

  4. We understand that a month's notice is required in writing for any financial closure.

  5. We certify that, to the best of our knowledge all information furnished by us is correct. we will abide by the school rules and procedures in all respects. We understand that any information withheld or filled incorrectly in the registration form will result in cancellation of the admission.

  6. We understand that the decision of the Principal and Management shall be final and binding on us in all matters related with the school.

Documents to be upload

1) Copy of Birth Certificate

2) Copy of  Election ID Card (Father)

3) Copy of Election ID card (Mother)

4) Copy of residence proof  ( Aadhaar card,       Passport, MTNL bill, Electricity bill).

Upload Birth Certificate
Upload Election ID Card
Upload Election ID Card
Upload residence proof

5) Income certificate issued by SDM's office/Food Security Card issued by the Department of Food and Civil  Supplies and Consumer Affairs, GNCT of Delhi

     ( Applicable only for EWS category)

6) Minority Certificate ( wherever required).

7) Proof of alumni status (School Leaving Certificate). 

8) Copy of report card from the previous school. 

9) Orignal TC ( at the time of admission). For classes II and above

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Upload Income certificate
Upload Minority Certificate
Upload alumni certificate
Upload report card
Upload TC
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